admin | June 27, 2011
We’ve run out of time this week, so there’s no witty comments in the Sectional, just some bleeps between each segment. I know, that’s the highlight of your shallow, hollow lives gone, but you just might want to listen to this one anyway. First, are we being microwaved to death? (No!) Then we delve into […]
Category: Aggressive Sectional |
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Tags: aggressive fisting movie, couch suppository movie, generic, microwave, movie, movies, rip-off, ripoff, they
Dave | December 19, 2010
Well, we seem to be getting hit by spam and fake user profiles again. But it heartens me to know that most seems to be coming from the good ole USA now instead of Russia. We don’t want to be hurting the USA spam deficit. Keep those spam from being outsourced, I say!
Category: Food, Uncategorized |
Comments Off on Aslkdf;lsd klsdjl!!!
Tags: couch suppository movie, russia, spam