Dave | May 24, 2010
…if bombs were made…for love…maybe once or twice…this all kind of…the wastebasket so…say it’s poor…Balls of tar and…Rice Krispies….
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Tags: affairs, beauty pageants, celebrities, games, health risks, kiddie culture, memes, obscure songs, porn, unwritten rules
admin | September 6, 2009
Hello you bop-daddies! Put your indent into the couch! We here at the Aggressive Couch, and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Aggressive Sectional, bring you another week of entertaining news and culture and gossip. In other words, we complain a lot. But Ron says his wife thinks we’re funny. In this installment, we discuss how […]
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Tags: best before, celebrities, facebook, fall tv, gossip, john cougar town, pizza, pop music, prequels, star wars