admin | July 1, 2011
Welcome to Aggressive Couch 53. Surprise! In further celebration of the Fourth of Quly weekend, we present Aggressive Couch number 53! First up, we have our EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Bono from That Band We Can’t Stand. Then we follow it up with some weak filler, as usual Passwords Suck: Passwords are yet another paradox – […]
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Tags: bondo, bono, bulls and bears, fear and greed, fish story, history, passwords, passwords suck, u2
admin | February 1, 2011
Can you believe it’s February yet? It isn’t for me, it’s still January 31. Just after 10 PM. But by the time you read this it will be February. It’s like you’re a time traveler! We have everything on this show. Snow Driving: Tips for driving in the snow. Kind of self explanatory. Safety […]
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Tags: bondo, driving, driving in snow, microbrewed beer, overprotective parents, snow, star trek, transporter, what did you eat