admin | February 27, 2019
We recorded an episode early this month but Dave had the “suck” knob turned all the way up on Norr’s mic. So we recorded a replacement! We covered many of the same topics and went way off the rails as usual. This month, we introduce our new sponsor, Uncle Savage’s House of Broken Videotapes! Get […]
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Tags: aggressive couch, air bnb, camaro, cougar, cult movies, google image search, metal, satellite tv, Video Games, video stores
admin | December 21, 2013
Bring out the hatchet! The Aggressive Couch has returned! Remember the issue with McDonald’s wings? Well, we didn’t cover this topic. Instead we talked about the 10 worst movies of the year. We’ve seen them all, for artistic reasons. So here are our in depth reviews. Dave Gets Hip: Ron tries to teach Dave some […]
Category: Entertainment, Podcast |
Tags: aggressive couch, french, hawaiian christmas, urban spoon dictionary, war on motherfuckers