Aggressive Couch 45: F The Snow and Your Ice Too
Can you believe it’s February yet? It isn’t for me, it’s still January 31. Just after 10 PM. But by the time you read this it will be February. It’s like you’re a time traveler! We have everything on this show.
Snow Driving: Tips for driving in the snow. Kind of self explanatory.
Safety in Numbers: What kind of parent forces their kid to wear a helmet while sledding down a gentle slope? An overprotective one.
Beam This: Where’s my transporter?
Beer Douche: Fans of microbrew are just like wine snobs. $150 a case?!?!?
Where the Streets Have No Name: What the Hell is Bondo singing about?
Jesus Christ Boy, What Did You Eat?: In Korea, they eat dogs. In India, people are starving but they refuse to eat their numerous cows. Or each other.
So, get ready for big laughs, hilarious hyjinx, and just a taste of pure genius with the Couch!
Star Trek is better than Star Wars, but I must disagree with the assessment about Harrison Ford being the movie’s best actor. That distinction clearly goes to Carrie Fisher’s hairpiece.