The art of the fart
When I was standing in line today to buy some milk. At a local convenience store. There were a couple people in front of me. While I was standing there. A woman standing to the left of me. She appeared to be in her early sixties and was browsing the pre-made sandwich’s. All of a sudden the classic fart happened. Just loud enough to hear and sneaky at that. I quick smirk came across my face.
I was trying very hard not to laugh and fall to ground. Being the classy older woman. She went on as nothing had happened. Then reality came crashing down. It was my turn to pay for my items. But, a wave of smelly shit surrounded the cashier and I. She turned and headed for the door. She knew what she did. Shit her pants! I could just smirk and hold my nose. I really wanted to fall over with laughter. But, I couldn’t do that. I had milk and tea to pay for. I paid for items and ran out of there.
I seen here leaving with her husband. I could only imagine the Bmw they were driving. Just smelled of shit and ass. I feel sorry for her husband already.