Aggressive Couch #36: Bad Ass Mutha’s!
Some of you might call us sick! Let’s examine the evidence.
Football season is upon us. So, naturally, we didn’t say anything about it. Instead! Special Edition: Who is dumb enough to pay $150 for the special edition of a $60 game just to get some stupid action figures? Okay, maybe that fat guy at the pizza place, but who else? Childhood Obesity: Blame everything but the parents! It’s My Party: Who would you invite to your ULTIMATE party (besides Ahnold and Ghengis Khan)? THE WORLD IS MY ERECTOR SET: We just wanted to clarify. Frankenstein’s Dog’s Dinner: Mix up TV shows and movies. Tune in for Samantha Fox and Friends. And finally, Fall TV Preview: What shows will we not be watching this fall?
Sit back and slurp down a few gallons of anti-emetic!
Oh shit, here’s the info-graphic thing.