Two Dollars a Call
Dave | September 9, 2013
Dave | September 9, 2013
Dave | September 8, 2013
Dave | September 7, 2013
Can you believe Christmas 10 is already over? It feels like it was just yesterday that I ran downstairs (well, in my mind. My house is only one story tall) and sat by the fire unwrapping my laundry while the stereo played “Rock of Ages” (the original version, off Pyromania). Wait, it was yesterday. I […]
Dave | September 6, 2013
Kool-Aid in Soda Round Up: Cherry: B+. Never fear running out of Mt. Dew Code Red again Orange: C-. Maybe I did something wrong? Doesn’t taste like Fanta! Grape: A+. Holier Art Thou to Teeth…. Dyes yer mouth purple to boot! If you mix in too much Fruit Punch: B. Didn’t like it at first […]
Dave | September 5, 2013
Going inside and leaving a Beagle running in the driveway.
Dave | September 4, 2013
My favorite hobby is reading about books.
Dave | September 3, 2013
I went to the doctor today. Apparently, nothing is wrong with me. Nothing is wring with my bladder. And the embryonic alien civilization claiming squatter’s rights on my kneecaps will die out soon enough.
Dave | September 2, 2013
I will add grape Kool-Aid to everything from now on. Waffles! Bagels! Grape pop! I need to top up Spike’s antifreeze….
Dave | September 1, 2013
…is good.