Chewable Couch Drops
Dave | September 10, 2012
I dropped in on Norr yesterday. It’s nice to see that somebody has a house almost as dirty as mine. But then, he has a wife, three kids and a big fucking dog. All I have are these damn hand puppets.
Dave | September 10, 2012
I dropped in on Norr yesterday. It’s nice to see that somebody has a house almost as dirty as mine. But then, he has a wife, three kids and a big fucking dog. All I have are these damn hand puppets.
Dave | September 9, 2012
Norr | September 8, 2012
Although, the first official game of the NFL was on Wednesday night. Sunday, really marks the start. What can we look forward to this season? I will give you a rundown of things to look for and be excited for. Blatant Homo Eroticism Although, you could argue that the WWE leads this category. But, nothing […]
Norr | September 8, 2012
Apparently, the game ” City of Hero’s” the servers are going to be shutdown. So, if you have this game. You won’t be playing it soon. But, a protest happened today. The people brought the fake online super heros. Too the games City Hall. See pic below: These fake super hero’s weren’t going to be […]
Dave | September 6, 2012
What do you do with that huge box of condoms after you get your balls tied?
Dave | September 5, 2012
I know what you’ve been asking, so shut up. Here it is, Red Green Duct Tape Factory Tour
Norr | September 4, 2012
I know some people follow twitter all the time. But, for me it easily forgettable. I get so bored with it and might look at it. From time to time. Maybe I should stop following so many porn stars.
Dave | September 4, 2012
My “POD” has been working great. Only two snags so far, I ran out of lube yesterday, and I don’t think the swelling in my wrist will ever go down now. But, as pennants for being away, I award you with the tale of the sea rabbit.
Dave | September 1, 2012
My “POD” satellite is up and running. I am jerking off as we speak! It did hang once. We’ll see. I can’t imagine Skipping will be much worse over this than over cellular 3g.